Salad Dressing or Marinade

YIELD: depends on the amount of ingredients you use. I always make just enough to drizzle on my salad, dip my cucumbers in, or marinade the chicken in.
POINTS/serv: 0-1 (the honey or syrup will add up quickly if you aren't careful!)

This is really simple to make, but it takes several tries to get it just right.

3-4 Tbs Yellow Mustard
3-5 shakes Worchestershire Sauce
1-2 dashes Lime juice
2-4 drops Honey or Syrup

Combine Yellow Mustard, Worchestershire Sauce, lime juice, and honey or syrup.

For marinade:
Combine the ingredients in a bowl or plastic bag.
Add the chicken, pork, or beef.
Chill for 2 to 24 hours.
